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Our Mother - Our Rock

Our mother, Margaret, was the greatest and most generous person I've ever known. She was kind and giving to all who came in her presence.  If you were destitute , Mom would literally house and feed you if that's what was needed. 


She was the matriarch who loved her children and grandchildren unconditionally. She was a no-nonsense person and a disciplinarian. Her famous line- "Let your no mean No and your yes mean Yes".


Mom was a friend, adviser, teacher, consoler and a wizard at quoting verses from the scripture.  She was a good cook and she loved spicy dishes..  Yes! Mother Margaret was a pepper/ hot sauce aficionado.  Without a doubt, Chunda's This Is It hot sauce certainly would have been  Mom's favorite. And you can make it yours.  So, enjoy!-Chunda

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